

フォカッチャそのものはシンプルな食べ物であるために、工夫の凝らし甲斐もあり、また、時間の経過の中で変化を遂げ多数のバリエーションが存在するようになったようです。 There are a huge number of different varieties of focaccia,/ including the sma…


今日はフォカッチャの生地についての説明です。 Before it cooked, the dough is pressed flat in the tin/ and little indentations are made with the fingers/ so that the olive oil that is drizzled abundantly over the dough/ collects in them/ to …


A simple version of focaccia was eaten by the Romans/ and over the centuries has developed/ until now there is a multitude of varieties,/ both salted and sweet,/ depending on taste and the availability of local ingredients./ (古代ローマ人…


同じフォカッチャでも、イタリア各地での呼称はさまざまです。 Focaccia/Flat Bread Focaccia is also known as pinza in Veneto, pitta in Calabria, pizza in Naples, pissalandrea in Genova, schiacciata in Emilia-Romana, fitascetta in Lombardy, sar…


最後のパラグラフになりました。イタリア人は「スモール・ピザ」などとは言わずに、きちんと名前をつけてあげるのですね。 Pizza fritta or pizzetta is the same as a normal pizza, but smaller/ for easy consumption in bars./ An even smaller pizza, c…


The Marinara is topped with extra-virgin olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, salt, pepper and little oregano./ The Romana has mozzarella, tomatoes, anchovy fillets, salt, pepper, oregano and extra-virgin olive oil./ (船乗り風ピザ(マリナーラ)の…


ピザの作り方に続いて、ピザの種類が紹介されます。 Pizza Napoletana or Margherita has a topping based on a pulp of sun-ripened tomatoes or canned tomato pulp,/ 2 large rounds of buffalo mozzarella cut into small chunks,/ salt/ and a drizzle …


Place these [pizza doughs] in oiled pizza pans or dishes/ and set on a baking tray./ Add the topping/ and cook in a preheated very hot oven, until the topping is melted and the edges are crispy./ Pizza should be eaten in quaters/ with your…


ここでは、発酵から生地を広げるところまで説明されています。 Cover the balls of dough with a clean cloth/ and set aside in a warm place to rise/ for at least 1 hour./ After it has doubled in volume/ knock it back/ and knead each dough ball,/…


昨日のパラグラフは、ピザに使用する酵母についての話でした。続くパラグラフではピザの作り方が紹介されています。ただ、このパラグラフは長いので、3回に分けて読んでいきたいと思います。 Pizza dough, unlike its predecessor focaccia, is a bread dou…


昨日は、ピザの歴史の一部を垣間見ることができました。次のパラグラフからしばらくの間、おいしいピザの作り方が書かれています。 The optimum way of obtaining a good Neapolitan pizza dough/ is to produce your own sour dough starter./ Mix some flo…


昨日の続きです。この件は、ナポリピザに関して書き進められるようです。 There are two periods in the history of the pizza:/ the AP period (Ante Pizza)/ in which the pizza was considered just a bread to accompany other foods/ like the indian n…


手元にある "Carluccio's Complete Italian Food" (1997) のピザの項目を見ると... It is not difficult to prepare an original pizza / provided you have the right ingredients, the know-how and a good oven. This type of focaccia has been develope…