ハーブ第8回 フィノッキオ/フェンネル(パート1)

Finocchio/Fennenl: As well as using the bulb as a vegetable (see page 112),/ <04>both the leaves <04>and seeds of the fennenl plant/ are widely used in Italy,/ where it can be found growing wild/ in the South beside country roads./ Its <05>flavour is less sweet than <05>that of the very similar aniseed, <08>to which it is related <08>./ The seeds are longer/ and a distincitve pale green when dried./

  1. <04>_<04>は共起関係です。ここでは、both A and B の形式です。
  2. <05>_<05>は照応関係です。ここでは後続の<05>thatは先行の<05>flavourを照応しています。
  3. <08>_<08>は移動です。it is related to which の to which が句の先頭に移動しています。因みに、whichはaniseedで、itはfennelです。