
Olio d'Olive/Olive Oil: This miraculous product is made by mincing and pressing the pulp of the Olive, itself the fruit of an amazing tree./ Olive trees are native to Mediterranean countries/ and Italy is no exception./ In the last 2,000 years olive oil has become a symbol of Italian agricultural skill and expertise./ <041>It is <042>not so much the quantity of <05>the oil, although Italy is the largest producer of oil in the world after Spain, <042>but the unique characteristics <041>that make <05>it the best-known olive oil in the world./

  1. <04>_<04>は共起関係です。<041>_<041>は、it A thatB の強調構文です。強調されているAの部分は長いですね。Aの部分は、not so much the quantity of the oil, although Italy is the largest producer of oil in the world after Spain, but the unique characteristics です。<042>_<042>は、not so much A but B の形式で、「AというよりはB」という意味を表出しています。not so much A as B の形で覚えている人の方が多いのではないでしょうか。
  2. <05>_<05>は照応関係です。後続<05>はitは、先行<05>のthe oil (= olive oil)を照応しています。
